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1: #!python 2: 3: # 4: # ProAction Control 5: # Script to start ProAction and set various attributes syuch as debug level and delay. 6: # 7: 8: import os 9: import arexx 10: 11: 12: def SetDebug(guiKey): 13: 14: global debugLevelID 15: global debugDelayID 16: global debugSerialID 17: 18: # Get the values of the debug gadgets 19: 20: (rc,rc2,level) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","GETATTR GUIID " + guiKey + " OBJECTID " + debugLevelID + " TAGNAME "INTEGER_Number"") 21: 22: (rc,rc2,delay) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","GETATTR GUIID " + guiKey + " OBJECTID " + debugDelayID + " TAGNAME "INTEGER_Number"") 23: 24: (rc,rc2,serial) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","GETATTR GUIID " + guiKey + " OBJECTID " + debugSerialID + " TAGNAME "GA_Selected"") 25: 26: 27: debugCmd = "DEBUG LEVEL " + level + " DELAY " + delay 28: if serial == "1": 29: debugCmd += " SERIAL" 30: 31: (rc,rc2,dummy) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION",debugCmd) 32: 33: def HandleInput(port,guiKey): 34: 35: global debugLevelID 36: global debugDelayID 37: global debugSerialID 38: global stopButtonID 39: global restartButtonID 40: 41: result = 0; 42: 43: die = 0 44: while die == 0: 45: # wait on our incoming port 46: port.wait() 47: # get the msg (if any) 48: msg = port.getmsg() 49: if msg: 50: # it's a real msg get the cmd from it and reply quickly 51: cmd = msg.msg 52: msg.reply() 53: # now process the command. 54: if cmd == "QUIT": 55: die = 1 56: break 57: if cmd[:5] == "CLOSE": 58: die = 1 59: break 60: if cmd[:8] == "GADGETUP": 61: # format is 62: # GADGETUP GUIKID guikey GADGETID gid CODE code 63: (dummy,dummy,lguikey,dummy,gid,dummy,code) = cmd.split() 64: 65: # Check the message is from the correct GUI 66: # We are only running one in this example, but a script could 67: # handle an arbitrary number 68: 69: if lguikey == guiKey: 70: if gid == debugSerialID or gid == debugDelayID or gid == debugLevelID: 71: SetDebug(guiKey) 72: if gid == stopButtonID: 73: result = 1 74: die = 1 75: if gid == restartButtonID: 76: result = 2 77: die = 1 78: return result 79: 80: # DoGUI handles setup and disposal of the GUI 81: # Then passes control onto handle input 82: 83: def DoGUI(pubscreen): 84: 85: # Declare som globals here: 86: # Gadgets IDs we want to allow HandleInput() etc access to etc. 87: 88: global debugLevelID 89: global debugDelayID 90: global debugSerialID 91: global stopButtonID 92: global restartButtonID 93: 94: # First setup our ARexx Port 95: # We only want one ProActionControl script active so we choose a unique name. 96: eventPortName = 'ProActionControl' 97: eventPort = arexx.Port(eventPortName) 98: 99: if eventPort: 100: 101: 102: # First we'll build our window.class tagslist 103: # Python can't use send StemVars at the moment so we'll 104: # use the TAGSTRING tecnique throughout. 105: 106: winTags = "" 107: winTags += "WA_Width,400," 108: winTags += "WA_Height,10," 109: winTags += "WINDOW_LockHeight,1," 110: winTags += "WA_DragBar,1," 111: winTags += "WA_DepthGadget,1," 112: winTags += "WA_SizeGadget,1," 113: winTags += "WA_CloseGadget,1," 114: winTags += "WA_Title,ProAction Control," 115: winTags += "WA_PubScreenFallBack,1," 116: winTags += "WA_PubScreenName," + pubscreen + "," 117: winTags += "WINDOW_Position,WPOS_CENTERSCREEN," 118: winTags += "WA_Activate,1," 119: winTags += "WINDOW_GadgetHelp,1," 120: winTags += "TAG_DONE" 121: 122: topLayoutTags = "" 123: topLayoutTags += "LAYOUT_Orientation,LAYOUT_ORIENT_VERT," 124: topLayoutTags += "TAG_DONE" 125: 126: 127: debugLayoutTags = "" 128: debugLayoutTags += "LAYOUT_Orientation,LAYOUT_ORIENT_VERT," 129: debugLayoutTags += "LAYOUT_BevelStyle,BVS_GROUP," 130: debugLayoutTags += "LAYOUT_Label,Debug Settings," 131: debugLayoutTags += "TAG_DONE" 132: 133: stopLayoutTags = "" 134: stopLayoutTags += "LAYOUT_Orientation,LAYOUT_ORIENT_HORIZ," 135: stopLayoutTags += "LAYOUT_BevelStyle,BVS_GROUP," 136: stopLayoutTags += "LAYOUT_Label,Server Control," 137: stopLayoutTags += "TAG_DONE" 138: 139: # NOTE: The TAG_DONE is deleiberatly missing from the next set of tag 140: # definitions. We'll add it later after we have queried the DEBUG status 141: # of ProAction 142: 143: debugLevelGadTags = "" 144: debugLevelGadTags += "INTEGER_Minimum,0," 145: debugLevelGadTags += "INTEGER_Maximum,20," 146: debugLevelGadTags += "INTEGER_MinVisible,3," 147: debugLevelGadTags += "INTEGER_MaxChars,2," 148: debugLevelGadTags += "GA_RelVerify,1," 149: debugLevelGadTags += "GA_HintInfo,Sets the amount of debug info ouput *NHigher equals more - range 0 to 20," 150: 151: 152: debugDelayGadTags = "" 153: debugDelayGadTags += "INTEGER_Minimum,0," 154: debugDelayGadTags += "INTEGER_Maximum,100," 155: debugDelayGadTags += "INTEGER_MinVisible,4," 156: debugDelayGadTags += "INTEGER_MaxChars,3," 157: debugDelayGadTags += "GA_RelVerify,1," 158: debugDelayGadTags += "GA_HintInfo,Introduce a delay after each debug output *NDelay Time is measured in ticks (1/50 sec)," 159: 160: debugSerialGadTags = "" 161: debugSerialGadTags += "GA_RelVerify,1," 162: debugSerialGadTags += "GA_HintInfo,Sends Debug to the serial port instead of the console," 163: 164: # These ones are complete... 165: stopButtonTags = "" 166: stopButtonTags += "GA_Text,Stop Server," 167: stopButtonTags += "GA_RelVerify,1," 168: stopButtonTags += "GA_HintInfo,Force an *"Emergency Stop*" *N(killing all running GUIs)," 169: stopButtonTags += "TAG_DONE" 170: 171: restartButtonTags = "" 172: restartButtonTags += "GA_Text,Restart Server," 173: restartButtonTags += "GA_RelVerify,1," 174: restartButtonTags += "GA_HintInfo,Attempt to stop and restart the server *N(killng all running GUIs)," 175: restartButtonTags += "TAG_DONE" 176: 177: (rc,rc2,guiKey) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","CREATEGUI PORTNAME "" + eventPortName + "" TAGSTRING "" + winTags + """) 178: 179: if rc == 0: 180: # Our reuest for anew GUI was granted so we can start builing our gadget list. 181: 182: # But first query the current debug status of ProAction 183: 184: 185: level = "0" 186: delay = "0" 187: serial = "0" 188: 189: (rc,rc2,status) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION", "GETGUIATTR GUIID " + guiKey + " ATTRNAME "DEBUG"") 190: if rc == 0: 191: # Format of the reply is "LEVEL number DELAY number SERIAL bool" 192: (dummy,level,dummy,delay,dummy,serial) = status.split() 193: 194: # Put in the mising tags inc the TAG_DONE mentioned above; 195: 196: debugLevelGadTags += "INTEGER_Number," + level + ",TAG_DONE" 197: debugDelayGadTags += "INTEGER_Number," + delay + ",TAG_DONE" 198: debugSerialGadTags += "GA_Selected," + serial + ",TAG_DONE" 199: 200: # We will have two sections 'DEBUG' and STOPPROACTION 201: # So we set the top level to vertical orientaion then add the debug 202: # layout to that. 203: 204: (rc,rc2,topLayoutID) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","ADDLAYOUT GUIID " + guiKey + " TAGSTRING "" + topLayoutTags + """) 205: (rc,rc2,debugLayoutID) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","ADDLAYOUT GUIID " + guiKey + " TAGSTRING "" + debugLayoutTags + """) 206: 207: # Add our debug gadgets to the debugLayout */ 208: 209: (rc,rc2,debugLevelID) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","ADDGADGET GUIID " + guiKey + " GADGETCLASS "integer.gadget" TAGSTRING "" + debugLevelGadTags + """) 210: 211: (rc,rc2,debugDelayID) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","ADDGADGET GUIID " + guiKey + " GADGETCLASS "integer.gadget" TAGSTRING "" + debugDelayGadTags + """) 212: (rc,rc2,debugSerialID) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","ADDGADGET GUIID " + guiKey + " GADGETCLASS "checkbox.gadget" TAGSTRING "" + debugSerialGadTags + """) 213: 214: # Create a label image for each and add via modify child. 215: labelTags = "" 216: labelTags += "LABEL_Text,Debug Level:," 217: labelTags += "TAG_DONE" 218: 219: (rc,rc2,labelID) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION", "NEWIMAGE GUIID " + guiKey + " IMAGECLASS "label.image" NODISPOSE TAGSTRING "" + labelTags + """) 220: 221: (rc,rc2,dummy) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION", "SETATTRS GUIID " + guiKey + " OBJECTID " + debugLayoutID + " TAGSTRING "LAYOUT_ModifyChild," + debugLevelID + ",CHILD_Label," + labelID + ",TAG_DONE"") 222: 223: labelTags = "" 224: labelTags += "LABEL_Text,Debug Delay:," 225: labelTags += "TAG_DONE" 226: 227: (rc,rc2,labelID) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION", "NEWIMAGE GUIID " + guiKey + " IMAGECLASS "label.image" NODISPOSE TAGSTRING "" + labelTags + """) 228: 229: (rc,rc2,dummy) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION", "SETATTRS GUIID " + guiKey + " OBJECTID " + debugLayoutID + " TAGSTRING "LAYOUT_ModifyChild," + debugDelayID + ",CHILD_Label," + labelID + ",TAG_DONE"") 230: 231: labelTags = "" 232: labelTags += "LABEL_Text,Serial:," 233: labelTags += "TAG_DONE" 234: 235: (rc,rc2,labelID) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION", "NEWIMAGE GUIID " + guiKey + " IMAGECLASS "label.image" NODISPOSE TAGSTRING "" + labelTags + """) 236: 237: (rc,rc2,dummy) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION", "SETATTRS GUIID " + guiKey + " OBJECTID " + debugLayoutID + " TAGSTRING "LAYOUT_ModifyChild," + debugSerialID + ",CHILD_Label," + labelID + ",TAG_DONE"") 238: 239: # End of Debug Layout 240: (rc,rc2,dummy) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","ENDLAYOUT GUIID " + guiKey ) 241: 242: # Add The Stop / Restart layout 243: 244: (rc,rc2,stopLayoutID) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","ADDLAYOUT GUIID " + guiKey + " TAGSTRING "" + stopLayoutTags + """) 245: 246: (rc,rc2,stopButtonID) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","ADDGADGET GUIID " + guiKey + " GADGETCLASS "button.gadget" TAGSTRING "" + stopButtonTags + """) 247: (rc,rc2,restartButtonID) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","ADDGADGET GUIID " + guiKey + " GADGETCLASS "button.gadget" TAGSTRING "" + restartButtonTags + """) 248: 249: # End of Stop Restart Layout 250: (rc,rc2,dummy) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","ENDLAYOUT GUIID " + guiKey ) 251: 252: # End of TopLevel Layout 253: (rc,rc2,dummy) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","ENDLAYOUT GUIID " + guiKey ) 254: 255: (rc,rc2,result) = arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","OPENGUIWINDOW GUIID " + guiKey) 256: 257: result = HandleInput(eventPort,guiKey) 258: 259: arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","CLOSEGUIWINDOW GUIID " + guiKey) 260: arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","DESTROYGUI GUIID " + guiKey) 261: 262: return result 263: 264: 265: def StartProAction(): 266: 267: # First we need to check if ProAction is runing and start it if not. 268: # The python ARexx module lacks a ShowPorts function 269: # Borrow it from ARexx 270: (rc,rc2,ports) = arexx.dorexx("REXX","return show('P')") 271: 272: if rc == 0: 273: if -1 == ports.find("PROACTION"): 274: # No ProAction start it 275: os.system("RUN >NIL: APPDIR:PROACTION") 276: os.system("C:WaitForPort PROACTION") 277: # Now check again 278: (rc,rc2,ports) = arexx.dorexx("REXX","return show('P')") 279: if rc == 0: 280: if -1 == ports.find("PROACTION"): 281: # Still not there :-( 282: # A standard script may stop at this point. 283: # But one of the purposes of ProActionControl 284: # Is to startup proaction for the first time 285: # and "populate" the appdir: mechanism. 286: 287: # Call again without path (in srtanadard installation our 288: # ProAction script will be in the same directory. 289: 290: os.system("RUN >NIL: PROACTION") 291: os.system("C:WaitForPort PROACTION") 292: # Now check again 293: (rc,rc2,ports) = arexx.dorexx("REXX","return show('P')") 294: if rc == 0: 295: if -1 == ports.find("PROACTION"): 296: os.system('RequestChoice "" "Unable To Start ProAction GUIServer" "OK"') 297: exit() 298: else: 299: 300: os.system('RequestChoice "" "Couldn't Find ARexx!" "OK"') 301: exit() 302: else: 303: 304: os.system('RequestChoice "" "Couldn't Find ARexx!" "OK"') 305: exit() 306: 307: 308: # The real sequence of event starts here: 309: 310: StartProAction() 311: 312: # Okay we should be good to go now 313: 314: die = 0 315: 316: while die == 0: 317: result = DoGUI("Workbench") 318: if result == 0: 319: die = 1 320: 321: if result == 1: 322: die = 1 323: arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","QUIT") 324: 325: if result == 2: 326: arexx.dorexx("PROACTION","QUIT") 327: 328: # Wait for a short while 329: os.system("C:Wait 5") 330: StartProAction() 331: 332: